Ankeny AA Early Bird Meeting Potluck

St. Anne's Episcopal Church 2110 W 1st St, Ankeny, IA, United States

To Celebrate our 12th Anniversary Speaker: Mike M Please bring a dish to share Early Bird Meeting Potluck Flyer

Aim For Ames

Quality Inn & Suites 2601 E 13th ST, Ames, IA, United States

Preregister by 3/18/2019 Aim for Ames Flyer Aim for Ames Round-Up Big Book Trivia Flyer


Saturday Night Southside Step Study Annual Potluck

Park Ave Christian Church 3301 SW 9th ST, Des Moines, IA, United States

Meat & Coffee provided, bring a covered dish to share. Saturday Night Step Study Group Annual Potluck Flyer

PI/CPC Meeting

Lutheran Hospital 700 E University Ave, Des Moines, IA, United States

In the Lutheran Hospital Cafeteria