Recovery Dance and Costume Party Come dressed to impress Saturday October 26, 2019 Admission: $5 Doors open at 6pm Food at 7pm Music 8pm-12:30am Location: UAW Hall, 2615 Washington ST, Waterloo, IA Main Dish: Turkey **Please bring a dish to share** see attached flyer
The event will be held at the Airport Holiday Inn in Des Moines, IA on October 27, 2019. There will be a lunch, a raffle, a 20 minute Al-Anon speaker and an AA speaker. Doors open at noon. We will have online registration available as well as mail in registration. Register Here Iowa Women's Luncheon … Continue reading 1st Annual Iowa Women’s Luncheon→
Come join us for food fellowship and fun! Forest City Unity Group 135 East J Street Forest City, IA For a Potluck, speaker and chip night Please bring a dish or desert to share and come hear Dave C. from Ft Dodge share his experience, strength with us! October 28th, 2019 The potluck starts at … Continue reading Forest City Unity Group – Chip Night (October)→
Ames Downtowners 30th Anniversary Wednesday,10/30/2019 7:00 p.m. First United Methodist Church 516 Kellogg Ave. Ames, IA Speaker is Jill J. from Des Moines, IA Join us for Cake & Fellowship! Use NE Entrance Downstairs to the Right Handicap Entrance on the South Side see attached flyer
Saturday - November 2nd 2019 Social Hour 5pm - Eat at 6pm Speakers: AA - Melissa T - Winterset ALANON - Missy N - Des Moines Jackson Building Madison County Fairgrounds Winterset, IA Meat, coffee and tableware provided. Please bring a covered dish or two to share. Pop, water and raffle tickets for sale. See … Continue reading Madison County AA & ALANON 43rd Anniversary→
“I AM RESPONSIBLE” 33rd Annual Fall Mini-Conference Saturday November 9, 2019 To be held at: Grand View United Methodist Church 3342 John Wesley Drive Dubuque, IA Registration begins at 8:30 A.M. $3.00 entry fee $7.00 banquet Main course provided Please bring dessert or salad to pass. Panels sponsored by various groups from District 11, Iowa, … Continue reading 33rd Annual Fall Mini Conference→
Newton AA Group 37th Anniversary Monday 11/18/2019 6:00 p.m. - Potluck Dinner 7:00 p.m. - Speakers Mike M. and Randy T. from Des Moines St. Stephen's Episcopal Church 223 E 4th St N Newton, IA 50208 see attached flyer
Men’s Freedom Retreat XXXIX November 22nd-24th, 2019 Place: YMCA Camp 1192 166th Street Boone, IA Look at the map. Bring: Bedding (sleeping bag, pillows, blankets), towels, flashlights, toiletries, and snacks for the snack table. First and Foremost….. Suit Up and Show Up! Friday Night Dinner – Pizza @ 6:30pm Friday Night Call-Up Meeting @ 7:30pm Saturday Step … Continue reading Men’s Freedom Retreat XXXIX→
Atlantic AA Fall Fest Saturday 11/23/2019 Potluck - 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Raffle - 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Speaker - 8:00 p.m. 309 Club 309 Elm St. Atlantic, IA We will provide meat and drinks Please bring a side dish of your choice and your family. see attached flyer
Join us for a delicious traditional dinner at the White House on Thanksgiving Day. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. Dinner will be served at noon. see attached flyer
Thanksgiving Dinner Mason City Clubhouse 207 8th Place SE Mason City, IA Thursday, November 28 Door open 8 AM Meal at Noon Meeting 2 PM Proceeds go to Christmas Day Dinner Bring a dish to share! Sign-up sheet at MC Clubhouse see attached flyer