Ice Cream Social Ames Area Alanon Intergroup Inis Grove Park Shagbark Shelter Ames, IA Arrive 1:00 - 1:30 p.m. Speakers begin 2:00 p.m. Alanon: Sherry S. Alateen: Dustin & Stevie AA: Jarrod H. See attached flyer
White House’s Annual George Richards Beef, Corn & Tomato Feed Saturday, August 3rd at 5:30pm $12 per person. Bingo to follow with a $300 consolation prize with dinner ticket! AA meeting at 10:30pm Yard Sale will also be open! See attached flyer
Newton Breakfast Potluck Saturday - 8/17/2019 9:00 a.m. - Breakfast Potluck 10:00 a.m. - Speakers - Kelly S. & Dani O. St. Stephens Church 223 E. 4th St. N. Newton, IA 50208 see attached flyer
Open at 12p Eat at 1p Provided: Hot dogs and buns Hamburger and buns Tea, Coffee, Lemonade Cook your own meat Speaker: John G. 3rd Annual Shindig 2019 Flyer