10 events found.
Des Moines Young People’s Group 2nd Anniversary
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church 5720 Urbandale Ave, Des Moines, IA, United States6:00 PM Cake & Fellowship, 7:00 PM Speaker - Gabe F (Miami, FL) DMYPG 2nd Anniversary Flyer
BRR Ride – Road to Recovery
Perry Alano Club 1213 Lucinda ST, Perry, IA, United StatesDoors open 11:00 AM, Open AA Meetings 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM BRR Ride Flyer 2019
Intergroup Banquet
Forte Banquet & Conference Center 615 3rd ST, Des Moines, IA, United StatesDoors open 12:00 PM Alateen speaker (Andrew L) 1:00 PM Al-Anon Speaker (Lisa G) 1:30 PM Traditions Speakers (Andrea & Scott H) 3:00 PM Dinner/Raffle/Sobriety Countdown 5:00 PM Main Speaker (Anson P) 7:00 PM - $30 preregistration - $40 after 1/25/19 Intergroup Banquet 2019 Flyer
PI/CPC Meeting
Lutheran Hospital 700 E University Ave, Des Moines, IA, United StatesIn the Lutheran Hospital Cafeteria
Dexter Step Study Group
Dexter United Methodist Church 1008 Polk St, Dexter, IA, United States7:00 PM Speaker - Melissa S Dexter Step Study Speaker Flyer
3 Legacies Steps Month
Grace Lutheran Church 3010 52nd ST, Des Moines, IA, United StatesSteps 1, 2, 3 - 6pm Jim R Steps 1, 2, 3 - 8pm Cheryl B 3 Legacies Steps Month Flyer
Amana Speaker Meeting – 2nd Sunday
Ronneburg Restaurant 4408 220th Trail, Amana, IA, United States8:00 AM Breakfast, 9:00 AM Speaker Mark S from Cedar Rapids
Intergroup Banquet Committee Meeting
Central Office 1620 Pleasant ST Suite 228, Des Moines, IA, United StatesFor the annual Intergroup Banquet