Ames Downtowners June Jubilee 2019

Ames First United Methodist Church 516 Kellog Ave, Ames, IA, United States

Ames Downtowners Celebrate AA's Birthday June Jubilee 2019 June 5 - Doug G - Des Moines June 12 - Greg K - Des Moines June 19 - Ericka M - Cedar Rapids June 26 - Ali B - Des Moines 7pm First United Methodist Church 516 Kellog Ave Ames, IA Use NE Entrance Downstairs to … Continue reading Ames Downtowners June Jubilee 2019

F & G / White House 4th Of July Picnic

Cherry Glen Campground - Saylorville Lake 4338 North West 94th Place, Ankeny, IA, United States

➢ 6 a.m. Open Sunrise Meeting ➢ 10 a.m. Open Meeting ➢ 50/50 Raffle ➢ Serving at Noon Provided: ➢ Hamburgers, Hotdogs, & Lemonade ➢ Please Bring a Side Dish ➢ Coke or Pepsi $1.00 ➢ Water 50₵ Saylorville Lake Cherry Glen Campground Shelter 6 F&G / White House 4th of July Picnic Flyer F&G … Continue reading F & G / White House 4th Of July Picnic

IAYPAA IV Conference

Double Tree Hotel 350 1st Ave NE, Cedar Rapids, IA, United States

Sunlight of the Spirit - IAYPAA IV IAYPAA IV Flyer


PI/CPC Meeting

Lutheran Hospital 700 E University Ave, Des Moines, IA, United States

In the Lutheran Hospital Cafeteria

Dexter Step Study Group

Dexter United Methodist Church 1008 Polk St, Dexter, IA, United States

Step 7 Speaker - Nate W Dexter Step Study Group Speakers Flyer

Intergroup Meeting

Central Office 1620 Pleasant ST Suite 228, Des Moines, IA, United States

District 7 Meeting

White House 1400 Pennsylvania Ave, Des Moines, IA, United States