Ames Downtowners June Jubilee 2019
Ames First United Methodist Church 516 Kellog Ave, Ames, IA, United StatesAmes Downtowners Celebrate AA's Birthday June Jubilee 2019 June 5 - Doug G - Des Moines June 12 - Greg K - Des Moines June 19 - Ericka M - Cedar Rapids June 26 - Ali B - Des Moines 7pm First United Methodist Church 516 Kellog Ave Ames, IA Use NE Entrance Downstairs to … Continue reading Ames Downtowners June Jubilee 2019
F & G / White House 4th Of July Picnic
Cherry Glen Campground - Saylorville Lake 4338 North West 94th Place, Ankeny, IA, United States➢ 6 a.m. Open Sunrise Meeting ➢ 10 a.m. Open Meeting ➢ 50/50 Raffle ➢ Serving at Noon Provided: ➢ Hamburgers, Hotdogs, & Lemonade ➢ Please Bring a Side Dish ➢ Coke or Pepsi $1.00 ➢ Water 50₵ Saylorville Lake Cherry Glen Campground Shelter 6 F&G / White House 4th of July Picnic Flyer F&G … Continue reading F & G / White House 4th Of July Picnic
IAYPAA IV Conference
Double Tree Hotel 350 1st Ave NE, Cedar Rapids, IA, United StatesSunlight of the Spirit - IAYPAA IV IAYPAA IV Flyer
PI/CPC Meeting
Lutheran Hospital 700 E University Ave, Des Moines, IA, United StatesIn the Lutheran Hospital Cafeteria
Dexter Step Study Group
Dexter United Methodist Church 1008 Polk St, Dexter, IA, United StatesStep 7 Speaker - Nate W Dexter Step Study Group Speakers Flyer
Intergroup Banquet Committee Meeting
Central Office 1620 Pleasant ST Suite 228, Des Moines, IA, United StatesFor the annual Intergroup Banquet
Intergroup Meeting
Central Office 1620 Pleasant ST Suite 228, Des Moines, IA, United StatesDistrict 7 Meeting
White House 1400 Pennsylvania Ave, Des Moines, IA, United StatesTreatment & Corrections Committee Meeting
White House 1400 Pennsylvania Ave, Des Moines, IA, United StatesDes Moines Young People’s Group 2nd Annual Summer Celebration
White House 1400 Pennsylvania Ave, Des Moines, IA, United StatesDoors open at 4:30p with a Spaghetti Dinner to follow Sobriety Countdown and Speaker at 7pm Ice Cream Social to follow 2nd Annual Summer Celebration Flyer